Witthauer K. Valdemar.Bie. Rukovodstvo k vibratsionnomu massazhu, s obrashcheniem osobogo vnimaniya na ginekologiyu, Primenenie sveta v meditsine. Syvorotchnaya bolezn. Vpriskivaniya Paraffina.teoriya i praktika/Witthauer K. Valdemar.Bie. A guide to vibrational massage, with special attention to gynaecology, The use of light in medicine. Serum disease. Paraffin spraying. theory and practice In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationWitthauer K. Valdemar.Bie. Rukovodstvo k vibratsionnomu massazhu, s obrashcheniem osobogo vnimaniya na ginekologiyu, Primenenie sveta v meditsine. Syvorotchnaya bolezn. Vpriskivaniya Paraffina.teoriya i praktika

In EnglishWitthauer K. Valdemar.Bie. A guide to vibrational massage, with special attention to gynaecology, The use of light in medicine. Serum disease. Paraffin spraying. theory and practice In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
