Sbornik resheniy 4 Departamenta i obshchikh sobraniy Pravitelstvuyushchego Senata po delam kommercheskikh sudov Imperii. Tom tretiy.vypuski 1 i 2. s 1 iyulya 1877 g. po 1 iyulya 1879 g./Compilation of Decisions of the Fourth Department and General Meetings of the Governing Senate on the Commercial Courts of the Empire. Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, July 1, 1877 to July 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationSbornik resheniy 4 Departamenta i obshchikh sobraniy Pravitelstvuyushchego Senata po delam kommercheskikh sudov Imperii. Tom tretiy.vypuski 1 i 2. s 1 iyulya 1877 g. po 1 iyulya 1879 g.

In EnglishCompilation of Decisions of the Fourth Department and General Meetings of the Governing Senate on the Commercial Courts of the Empire. Volume 3, Issues 1 and 2, July 1, 1877 to July 1. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
