Merezhkovskiy D.S. Khristos i Antikhrist. Trilogiya. Tom. I: Smert Bogov (Yulian otstupnik); Tom II: Voskresshie Bogi (Leonardo da Vinchi)./Merezhkovsky D.S. Christ and the Antichrist. Trilogy. Volume I: The Death of Gods (Julian the Apostate); Volume II: The Resurrected Gods (Leonardo da Vinci). In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationMerezhkovskiy D.S. Khristos i Antikhrist. Trilogiya. Tom. I: Smert Bogov (Yulian otstupnik); Tom II: Voskresshie Bogi (Leonardo da Vinchi).

In EnglishMerezhkovsky D.S. Christ and the Antichrist. Trilogy. Volume I: The Death of Gods (Julian the Apostate); Volume II: The Resurrected Gods (Leonardo da Vinci). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
