Afanasev (Chuzhbinskiy) A. S. Sobranie sochineniy Aleksandra Stepanovicha Afanaseva (Chuzhbinskogo). Tom 9. Stikhotvoreniya. Slovar malorusskogo narechiya./Afanasiev (Chuzhbinsky) A. S. Collection of works by Alexander Stepanovich Afanasiev (Chuzhbinsky). Volume 9. Poems. Dictionary of Malo-Russian Adverbs. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationAfanasev (Chuzhbinskiy) A. S. Sobranie sochineniy Aleksandra Stepanovicha Afanaseva (Chuzhbinskogo). Tom 9. Stikhotvoreniya. Slovar malorusskogo narechiya.

In EnglishAfanasiev (Chuzhbinsky) A. S. Collection of works by Alexander Stepanovich Afanasiev (Chuzhbinsky). Volume 9. Poems. Dictionary of Malo-Russian Adverbs. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
