TransliterationKonvolyut iz trekh izdaniy Prof. F. Gommel., Prof. K. Betsold .,P. Yu. Shmidt i dr. . Yaponiya i ee obitateli S raskladnoy kartoy Yaponii, Manchzhurii i Korei v tri tsveta . Istoriya Drevnego Vostoka. S 1 kartoyu i 18 risunkami . Assiriya i Vaviloniya .
In EnglishThe Three-Edition Convolute of Prof. F. Gommel., Prof. K. Betzold., P. J. Schmidt et al. Japan and its inhabitants With a folding map of Japan, Manchuria, and Korea in three colors. History of the Ancient East. With 1 map and 18 drawings. Assyria and Babylonia. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)