Muller Gerard (Gerkhard Miller). Puteshestviya i otkrytiya sdelannye russkimi vdol' beregov Ledovitogo morya i Vostochnogo okeana kak v storonu Yaponii tak i Ameriki, vklyuchaya opisanie reki Amur./Mueller Gerard. Travels and discoveries made by the Russians along the shores of the Arctic Sea and the Eastern Ocean, both towards Japan and America, including a description of the Amur River. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationMuller Gerard (Gerkhard Miller). Puteshestviya i otkrytiya sdelannye russkimi vdol' beregov Ledovitogo morya i Vostochnogo okeana kak v storonu Yaponii tak i Ameriki, vklyuchaya opisanie reki Amur.

In EnglishMueller Gerard. Travels and discoveries made by the Russians along the shores of the Arctic Sea and the Eastern Ocean, both towards Japan and America, including a description of the Amur River. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
