Alfonso X Mudryy i sotrudniki. Istoriya Ispanii, kotoruyu sostavil blagorodneyshiy korol don Alfonso, syn blagorodnogo dona Fernando i korolevy doni Beatris. V 2- tomakh./Alfonso X the Wise and Co. The story of Spain, written by the noblest King Don Alfonso, son of the noblest Don Fernando and Queen Beatrice. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationAlfonso X Mudryy i sotrudniki. Istoriya Ispanii, kotoruyu sostavil blagorodneyshiy korol don Alfonso, syn blagorodnogo dona Fernando i korolevy doni Beatris. V 2- tomakh.

In EnglishAlfonso X the Wise and Co. The story of Spain, written by the noblest King Don Alfonso, son of the noblest Don Fernando and Queen Beatrice. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
