Chekhov A. P. Pervoe prizhiznennoe sobranie sochineniy Chekhova A. P. Sochineniya. V 15 t. T. 1 2: 3,6,7/Chekhov A. P. The first lifetime collection of works by Chekhov A. P. Compositions. In 15 Vol. 1 2: 3,6,7 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationChekhov A. P. Pervoe prizhiznennoe sobranie sochineniy Chekhova A. P. Sochineniya. V 15 t. T. 1 2: 3,6,7

In EnglishChekhov A. P. The first lifetime collection of works by Chekhov A. P. Compositions. In 15 Vol. 1 2: 3,6,7 In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
