TransliterationPenkov A. V. Utselevshaya Moskva proshlogo: Pamyatniki arkhitektury Moskvy, sokhranivshiesya k nachalu XXI veka: V 3-kh tt.: Kn.1: Arkhitektura dopetrovskoy epokhi; Kn. 2: Arkhitektura barokko i klassitsizma; Kn. 3: Arkhitektura eklektiki i moderna.
In EnglishPenkov A. V. Surviving Moscow of the Past: Monuments of Architecture of Moscow preserved by the beginning of the XXI century: In 3 volumes: Book 1: Architecture of the Pre-Petrovsk Era; Book 2: Baroque and Classical Architecture; Book 3: Eclectic and Modern Architecture. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)