Kravchenko E.N., Pribylov B.V. Ruchnye i ruzheynye granaty Rossii (a takzhe priobretennye u soyuznikov) v voyne 1914 goda./E.N. Kravchenko, B.V. Pribylov Russian hand and rifle grenades (as well as those acquired from the Allies) in the war of 1914. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationKravchenko E.N., Pribylov B.V. Ruchnye i ruzheynye granaty Rossii (a takzhe priobretennye u soyuznikov) v voyne 1914 goda.

In EnglishE.N. Kravchenko, B.V. Pribylov Russian hand and rifle grenades (as well as those acquired from the Allies) in the war of 1914. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
