Otchet po Venskoy Vsemirnoy vystake 1873 goda v voenno-tekhnicheskom otnoshenii, popolnennyy svedeniyami, sobrannymi sostavitelyami otcheta na Londonskoy Mezhdunarodnoy Vystavke 1873g. i pri osmotre nekotorykh evropeyskikh voenno-tekhnicheskikh uchrezhdeniy. Tom 2./Report on the Vienna World Exhibition of 1873 in military-technical terms, supplemented by the information gathered by the compilers of the report at the London International Exhibition of 1873 and by the inspection of some European military-technical institutions. Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationOtchet po Venskoy Vsemirnoy vystake 1873 goda v voenno-tekhnicheskom otnoshenii, popolnennyy svedeniyami, sobrannymi sostavitelyami otcheta na Londonskoy Mezhdunarodnoy Vystavke 1873g. i pri osmotre nekotorykh evropeyskikh voenno-tekhnicheskikh uchrezhdeniy. Tom 2.

In EnglishReport on the Vienna World Exhibition of 1873 in military-technical terms, supplemented by the information gathered by the compilers of the report at the London International Exhibition of 1873 and by the inspection of some European military-technical institutions. Volume 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
