Kravtsov M. I., Lunin B.V., Miller M.A., Seletskiy Ya.G. Khrestomatiya po istorii Podonya i Priazovya. Kniga pervaya (S drevneyshikh vremen do XVII stoletiya)./Kravtsov M. I., Lunin B.V., Miller M.A., Seletsky Ya.G. Chrostomatia on the history of the Podonia and the Azov region. Book one (from ancient times to the seventeenth century). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationKravtsov M. I., Lunin B.V., Miller M.A., Seletskiy Ya.G. Khrestomatiya po istorii Podonya i Priazovya. Kniga pervaya (S drevneyshikh vremen do XVII stoletiya).

In EnglishKravtsov M. I., Lunin B.V., Miller M.A., Seletsky Ya.G. Chrostomatia on the history of the Podonia and the Azov region. Book one (from ancient times to the seventeenth century). In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
