Izvestiya TsK Vserossiyskogo Soyuza okhotnikov i Tsentrokhoty. 1921 g. # 6 (15-go noyabrya)/Izvestia of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Hunters and Centrohota. 1921 # 6 (November 15) In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationIzvestiya TsK Vserossiyskogo Soyuza okhotnikov i Tsentrokhoty. 1921 g. # 6 (15-go noyabrya)

In EnglishIzvestia of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Hunters and Centrohota. 1921 # 6 (November 15) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
