Breton, Retif de la. Sentimentalnye zabluzhdeniya: Madam Zhemchuzhina. — Zefir. S 101 illyustratsiey Zhozefa Gemara/Breton, Retief de la. Sentimental Delusions: Madame Pearl. Zephyr. With 101 Illustrations by Joseph Gemard In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationBreton, Retif de la. Sentimentalnye zabluzhdeniya: Madam Zhemchuzhina. — Zefir. S 101 illyustratsiey Zhozefa Gemara

In EnglishBreton, Retief de la. Sentimental Delusions: Madame Pearl. Zephyr. With 101 Illustrations by Joseph Gemard In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
