Nadezhdin A.N. Istoriya Sankt-Peterburgskoy pravoslavnoy dukhovnoy seminarii, s obzorom obshchikh uzakoneniy i meropriyatiy po chasti seminarskogo ustroystva. 1809-1884/Nadezhdin A.N. History of the St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Seminary, with an overview of the general laws and measures concerning the seminary system. 1809-1884 In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationNadezhdin A.N. Istoriya Sankt-Peterburgskoy pravoslavnoy dukhovnoy seminarii, s obzorom obshchikh uzakoneniy i meropriyatiy po chasti seminarskogo ustroystva. 1809-1884

In EnglishNadezhdin A.N. History of the St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Seminary, with an overview of the general laws and measures concerning the seminary system. 1809-1884 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
