Teatr i iskusstvo. Ezhemesyachnyy illyustrirovannyy zhurnal. #1-52. 1914 g. (godovoy komplekt v 2-kh perepletakh)./Theatre and Art. Monthly illustrated magazine. # 1-52. 1914 (annual set in 2 bindings). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationTeatr i iskusstvo. Ezhemesyachnyy illyustrirovannyy zhurnal. #1-52. 1914 g. (godovoy komplekt v 2-kh perepletakh).

In EnglishTheatre and Art. Monthly illustrated magazine. # 1-52. 1914 (annual set in 2 bindings). In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
