Mikhaylovskiy B.V., Purishev B.I. Ocherki istorii drevnerusskoy monumentalnoy zhivopisi so vtoroy poloviny 14 v.do nachala 18 v./Mikhailovsky B.V., Purishev B.I. Essays on the history of ancient Russian monumental painting from the second half of the 14th century to the beginning of the 18th century In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationMikhaylovskiy B.V., Purishev B.I. Ocherki istorii drevnerusskoy monumentalnoy zhivopisi so vtoroy poloviny 14 v.do nachala 18 v.

In EnglishMikhailovsky B.V., Purishev B.I. Essays on the history of ancient Russian monumental painting from the second half of the 14th century to the beginning of the 18th century In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
