Rukopisnye i pechatnye Evangeliya XIII-nachala XX veka v sobranii Muzeev Moskovskogo Kremlya. Katalog: V 3-kh tt./The handwritten and printed Gospels of the XIII-early XX century in the collection of the Museums of the Moscow Kremlin. Catalogue: In 3 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). -

TransliterationRukopisnye i pechatnye Evangeliya XIII-nachala XX veka v sobranii Muzeev Moskovskogo Kremlya. Katalog: V 3-kh tt.

In EnglishThe handwritten and printed Gospels of the XIII-early XX century in the collection of the Museums of the Moscow Kremlin. Catalogue: In 3 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
