Lottse German. Mikrokozm. Mysli o estestvennoy i bytovoy istorii chelovechestva. Opyt antropologii. Chast pervaya. Dusha. Telo. Zhizn./Lotze Hermann. Microcosm. Thoughts on the natural and everyday history of mankind. Experience of anthropology. Part one. Soul. Body. Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationLottse German. Mikrokozm. Mysli o estestvennoy i bytovoy istorii chelovechestva. Opyt antropologii. Chast pervaya. Dusha. Telo. Zhizn.

In EnglishLotze Hermann. Microcosm. Thoughts on the natural and everyday history of mankind. Experience of anthropology. Part one. Soul. Body. Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
