TransliterationOt gruppy Blagoeva k «Soyuzu borby» (1886-1894 gg.)
In EnglishFrom Blagoevs Group to the Union of Struggle (1886-1894) In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
Publication Date: 1921
Publication Place: Rostov
Description: Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Articles and memoirs: K.M.Norinsky, V.A. Shelgunov, V.Nevsky, M. Olminsky. Materials on the case of M.I. Brusnev and Y.Melnikov. Speeches of workers on May 1, 1891: Rostov on Don: State Duma. Don Branch 1921. 128c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbd8899135b6f233d2
SKU: albd8899135b6f233d2