Simeon Simonovich, Khristofor Zhefarovich. Opisanie Svyatogo grada Ierusalima, tserkvey Zhivonosnogo groba Gospodnya i prochikh svyatykh mest v nikh zhe po svidetel'stvu Svyatykh Evangelistov ot Rozhdestva do Vozneseniya Khristova mnogaya ko spaseniyu chelovecheskomu sodeyavshayasya/Simeon Simonovich, Christopher Zefarovic. Description of the Holy City of Jerusalem, the churches of the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord, and other holy places in them, according to the testimony of the Holy Evangelists from Nativity to the Ascension of Christ, many things have been done to the salvation of man. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationSimeon Simonovich, Khristofor Zhefarovich. Opisanie Svyatogo grada Ierusalima, tserkvey Zhivonosnogo groba Gospodnya i prochikh svyatykh mest v nikh zhe po svidetel'stvu Svyatykh Evangelistov ot Rozhdestva do Vozneseniya Khristova mnogaya ko spaseniyu chelovecheskomu sodeyavshayasya

In EnglishSimeon Simonovich, Christopher Zefarovic. Description of the Holy City of Jerusalem, the churches of the Holy Sepulchre of the Lord, and other holy places in them, according to the testimony of the Holy Evangelists from Nativity to the Ascension of Christ, many things have been done to the salvation of man. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
