Ekaterina II. Manifest E. I. V. Ekateriny II (Obyavlyaem chrez sie vsem Nashim vernym poddannym) «O nachatii voyny s Ottomanskoyu Portoyu». 18 noyabrya 1768 goda./Catherine II: The Manifesto of E.I. V. Catherine II (with this proclamation to all Our Loyal Subjects): On the Beginning of War with the Ottoman Porta on November 18. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationEkaterina II. Manifest E. I. V. Ekateriny II (Obyavlyaem chrez sie vsem Nashim vernym poddannym) «O nachatii voyny s Ottomanskoyu Portoyu». 18 noyabrya 1768 goda.

In EnglishCatherine II: The Manifesto of E.I. V. Catherine II (with this proclamation to all Our Loyal Subjects): On the Beginning of War with the Ottoman Porta on November 18. In Russian (ask us if in doubt).
