A. L. (Arkhimandrit Leonid Kavelin L. A.) Abkhaziya i v ney Novo-Afonskiy Simono-Kananitskiy monastyr. S planom Abkhazskogo primorskogo berega, s 21- m risunkom pamyatnikov khristianstva v Abkhazii i s planom Novo-Afonskogo monastyrya. V polzu stroyashcheysya obiteli./A. L. (Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin L.A.) Abkhazia and in it the Novo-Athos Simo-Kananitsky Monastery. With the plan of the Abkhaz seaside coast, with the 21st drawing of monuments of Christianity in Abkhazia and with the plan of the Novo-Athos Monastery. In favor of the monastery under construction. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationA. L. (Arkhimandrit Leonid Kavelin L. A.) Abkhaziya i v ney Novo-Afonskiy Simono-Kananitskiy monastyr. S planom Abkhazskogo primorskogo berega, s 21- m risunkom pamyatnikov khristianstva v Abkhazii i s planom Novo-Afonskogo monastyrya. V polzu stroyashcheysya obiteli.

In EnglishA. L. (Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin L.A.) Abkhazia and in it the Novo-Athos Simo-Kananitsky Monastery. With the plan of the Abkhaz seaside coast, with the 21st drawing of monuments of Christianity in Abkhazia and with the plan of the Novo-Athos Monastery. In favor of the monastery under construction. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
