Eya Imperatorskogo Velichestva Samoderzhitsy Vserossiyskoy Velikoy Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Ekateriny Alekseevny Reglament o upravlenii Admiralteystv i Flotov./Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of the All-Russian Great State Empress Catherine Alexeyevna Regulations on the Administration of the Admiralty and Fleet. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationEya Imperatorskogo Velichestva Samoderzhitsy Vserossiyskoy Velikoy Gosudaryni Imperatritsy Ekateriny Alekseevny Reglament o upravlenii Admiralteystv i Flotov.

In EnglishHer Imperial Majesty the Empress of the All-Russian Great State Empress Catherine Alexeyevna Regulations on the Administration of the Admiralty and Fleet. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
