Solovev S.M. Publichnye chteniya o Petre velikom. Izdanie po rasporyazheniyu yubioeynoy komissi moskovskoy politekhnicheskoy vystavki imperatorskogo obshchestva/Solovyov S.M. Public readings about Peter the Great. Publication by order of the Yubiej Commission of the Moscow Polytechnic Exhibition of the Imperial Society In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationSolovev S.M. Publichnye chteniya o Petre velikom. Izdanie po rasporyazheniyu yubioeynoy komissi moskovskoy politekhnicheskoy vystavki imperatorskogo obshchestva

In EnglishSolovyov S.M. Public readings about Peter the Great. Publication by order of the Yubiej Commission of the Moscow Polytechnic Exhibition of the Imperial Society In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
