Istoriya Yuzhnogo Urala. v 8 tomakh. Tom 7. Gornozavodskaya politika Rossii i zavody Yuzhnogo Urala1734-1900 gg./History of the Southern Urals. in 8 volumes. Volume 7. Mining Policy of Russia and the Plants of the Southern Urals 1734-1900. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationIstoriya Yuzhnogo Urala. v 8 tomakh. Tom 7. Gornozavodskaya politika Rossii i zavody Yuzhnogo Urala1734-1900 gg.

In EnglishHistory of the Southern Urals. in 8 volumes. Volume 7. Mining Policy of Russia and the Plants of the Southern Urals 1734-1900. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
