Alfred de Vini. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. Toma I-II (v 2 perepletakh). Sen-Mar, ili Zagovor vo vremena Lyudovika XIII. Istoricheskiy roman, posvyashchennyy sudbe yunogo markiza Sen-Mara, kaznennogo za zagovor protiv Rishele./Alfred de Vigny. Complete collection of works. Volumes I-II (in 2 bindings). Saint-Mar, or The Conspiracy in the Time of Louis XIII. A historical novel about the fate of the young Marquess of Saint-Mar, executed for plotting against Richelieu. In Russian (ask us if in doubt) -

TransliterationAlfred de Vini. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. Toma I-II (v 2 perepletakh). Sen-Mar, ili Zagovor vo vremena Lyudovika XIII. Istoricheskiy roman, posvyashchennyy sudbe yunogo markiza Sen-Mara, kaznennogo za zagovor protiv Rishele.

In EnglishAlfred de Vigny. Complete collection of works. Volumes I-II (in 2 bindings). Saint-Mar, or The Conspiracy in the Time of Louis XIII. A historical novel about the fate of the young Marquess of Saint-Mar, executed for plotting against Richelieu. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)
