Obvinenie Bukharina, Rykova, Yagody i dr.Pravo-trotskistskaya banda diversantov, shpionov i ubiyts pered sudom naroda. L.: Lenoblizdat. 141, 3s. 20,3×14,1 sm./The indictment of Bukharin, Rykov, Berries, and others by the right-Trotskyite gang of saboteurs, spies, and murderers before the peoples court. Lenoblizdat. 141, 3s. 20,3 × 14,1 sm. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationObvinenie Bukharina, Rykova, Yagody i dr.Pravo-trotskistskaya banda diversantov, shpionov i ubiyts pered sudom naroda. L.: Lenoblizdat. 141, 3s. 20,3×14,1 sm.

In EnglishThe indictment of Bukharin, Rykov, Berries, and others by the right-Trotskyite gang of saboteurs, spies, and murderers before the peoples court. Lenoblizdat. 141, 3s. 20,3 × 14,1 sm.
