TransliterationPushkin, A.S. Sochineniya Aleksandra Pushkina. V 11 t. T. 1-8.
In EnglishPushkin, A.S. Works by Alexander Pushkin. In 11 Vol. Vol. 1-8.
Publication Date: 1838
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: In 11 Vol. Vol. 1-8. St. Petersburg: Type. Expeditions of State Paper; Type. I. Glazunov, 1838. Vol. 1: Evgeny Onegin. Boris Godunov. Dramatic Scenes. 440 p. Vol. 2: Poems and Stories. 4, 368 p. Vol. 3: Lyrical Poems. Songs, Stances, Sonnets. Messages. Elegations. Epigrams. 242, 6 p. Vol. 4: Ballads. Tales. Anthological Poems. 328 p. Vol. 5: The History of the Pugachev Riot. VIII, 247, 3 p. Vol. 6: Appendices to the History of the Pugachev Riot. 310, 2 p. Vol. 7: Poems 258 p Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-2a6dc392346035cd
SKU: bd-2a6dc392346035cd