Shtrebel Genrikh. Germanskaya revolyutsiya, eyo neschaste i eyo spasenie avtorizovannyy perevod s nemetskogo Nadezhdy Shchupak. Praga: Volya Rossii./Strebel Heinrich. The German Revolution, its misfortune and its salvation. Authorized translation from German Nadezhda Szczupak. Prague: The Will of Russia -

TransliterationShtrebel Genrikh. Germanskaya revolyutsiya, eyo neschaste i eyo spasenie avtorizovannyy perevod s nemetskogo Nadezhdy Shchupak. Praga: Volya Rossii.

In EnglishStrebel Heinrich. The German Revolution, its misfortune and its salvation. Authorized translation from German Nadezhda Szczupak. Prague: The Will of Russia
