TransliterationBryusov, V. Mig. Stikhi 1920 –1921 g. Berlin; Peterburg; Moskva: Izdatelstvo Z.I. Grzhebina, 1922.
In EnglishBryusov, V. Mig. Poems 1920-1921 Berlin; St. Petersburg; Moscow: Z.I. Grzhebin Publishing House, 1922.
Publication Date: 1921
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Bryusov, V. Mig. Poems 1920-1921 Berlin; St. Petersburg; Moscow: Z.I. Grzhebin Publishing House, 1922. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-33fb6f1089c3f8d8
SKU: bd-33fb6f1089c3f8d8