Redkost. Bokkachcho D. Dekameron. V II t. T. I-II Per. Aleksandra Veselovskogo; s vstup. st. V.F. Shishmareva i predisl. P.S. Kogana. /Rare. Boccaccio D. Decameron. In II Vol. Vol. I-II by Alexander Veselovsky; with introduction by V.F. Shishmarev and the forerunner by P.S. Kogan. -

TransliterationRedkost. Bokkachcho D. Dekameron. V II t. T. I-II Per. Aleksandra Veselovskogo; s vstup. st. V.F. Shishmareva i predisl. P.S. Kogana.

In EnglishRare. Boccaccio D. Decameron. In II Vol. Vol. I-II by Alexander Veselovsky; with introduction by V.F. Shishmarev and the forerunner by P.S. Kogan.
