Lichnoe pervenstvo SSSR. Konki. Vsesoyuznyy Komitet po Delam Fizicheskoy Kultury i Sporta pri Sovnarkome SSSR. 16-18 fevralya 1941 g. 8 c. 21x15,5 sm./Personal superiority of the USSR. Skating. All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Affairs under the USSR Council of Peoples Commissars. 16-18 February 1941, 8 p. 21x15.5 sm. -

TransliterationLichnoe pervenstvo SSSR. Konki. Vsesoyuznyy Komitet po Delam Fizicheskoy Kultury i Sporta pri Sovnarkome SSSR. 16-18 fevralya 1941 g. 8 c. 21x15,5 sm.

In EnglishPersonal superiority of the USSR. Skating. All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Affairs under the USSR Council of Peoples Commissars. 16-18 February 1941, 8 p. 21x15.5 sm.
