Neuzheli moya sluzhba v Pravitelstve lishaet menya grazhdanskikh prav? Podborka iz dvadtsati odnogo pisma sekretarya Kubanskogo Pravitelstva V.V. Speranskogo, adresovannykh atamanu V.G. Naumenko. Belgrad-19/Does my service in the Government deprive me of my civil rights? A collection of twenty-one letters from the Secretary of the Kuban Government, V.V. Speransky, addressed to the Ataman V.G. Naumenko. Belgrade-19 -

TransliterationNeuzheli moya sluzhba v Pravitelstve lishaet menya grazhdanskikh prav? Podborka iz dvadtsati odnogo pisma sekretarya Kubanskogo Pravitelstva V.V. Speranskogo, adresovannykh atamanu V.G. Naumenko. Belgrad-19

In EnglishDoes my service in the Government deprive me of my civil rights? A collection of twenty-one letters from the Secretary of the Kuban Government, V.V. Speransky, addressed to the Ataman V.G. Naumenko. Belgrade-19
