TransliterationKultura teatra. Zhurnal Moskovskikh assotsiirovannykh teatrov. # 4,6 za 1921 god, #1, 2 za 1922 god.
In EnglishTheater culture. Journal of Moscow Associated Theatres. # 4,6 for 1921, # 1, 2 for 1922.
Publication Date: 1921
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Theater Culture. Journal of Moscow Associated Theatres. # 4,6 for 1921, # 1, 2 for 1922. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1921-1922. 1. # 4. 1921. 64 p. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-79cfe078712705fb
SKU: bd-79cfe078712705fb