Z. Gippius, Vyach. Ivanov, K. Balmont i dr.-PERVYE PUBLIKATsII Novyy put. Ezhemesyachnyy zhurnal. Vtoroy god izdaniya. # 8. Avgust g./Z. Hippius, Vyach. Ivanov, K. Balmont, etc. - FIRST PUBLICATIONS The New Way. Monthly magazine. Second year of publication. # 8. August. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationZ. Gippius, Vyach. Ivanov, K. Balmont i dr.-PERVYE PUBLIKATsII Novyy put. Ezhemesyachnyy zhurnal. Vtoroy god izdaniya. # 8. Avgust g.

In EnglishZ. Hippius, Vyach. Ivanov, K. Balmont, etc. - FIRST PUBLICATIONS The New Way. Monthly magazine. Second year of publication. # 8. August.
