Brandes Georg. Shekspir, ego zhizn i proizvedeniya. Per. V.M. Spasskoy i V.M. Friche, pod red. I.N. Storozhenka, s predisl. i prim. red. T. 1./Brandes Georg Shakespeare, His Life and Works, by V.M. Spasskaya and V.M. Fritsche, edited by I.N. Storozhenka, with a foreword and a note by Vol. 1. -

TransliterationBrandes Georg. Shekspir, ego zhizn i proizvedeniya. Per. V.M. Spasskoy i V.M. Friche, pod red. I.N. Storozhenka, s predisl. i prim. red. T. 1.

In EnglishBrandes Georg Shakespeare, His Life and Works, by V.M. Spasskaya and V.M. Fritsche, edited by I.N. Storozhenka, with a foreword and a note by Vol. 1.
