Maskevich, N. Polnyy sbornik vsekh zakonov s razyasneniyami po kvartirnomu dovolstviyu voysk i otvodu zemelnykh uchastkov vo vsekh mestnostyakh Imperii, Tsarstva Polskogo (Privislenskikh guberniy), Kavkaza, Turkestana, Zakaspiyskoy oblasti i Finlyandii./Maskiewicz, N. A complete compilation of all laws explaining the housing allowance of troops and the allocation of land parcels in all areas of the Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, the Caucasus, Turkestan, the Transcaspian region and Finland. -

TransliterationMaskevich, N. Polnyy sbornik vsekh zakonov s razyasneniyami po kvartirnomu dovolstviyu voysk i otvodu zemelnykh uchastkov vo vsekh mestnostyakh Imperii, Tsarstva Polskogo (Privislenskikh guberniy), Kavkaza, Turkestana, Zakaspiyskoy oblasti i Finlyandii.

In EnglishMaskiewicz, N. A complete compilation of all laws explaining the housing allowance of troops and the allocation of land parcels in all areas of the Empire, the Kingdom of Poland, the Caucasus, Turkestan, the Transcaspian region and Finland.
