TransliterationEpizod iz istorii angliyskoy dramy v epokhu Elizavety. T. 1 i edinstv.: Lilli i Marlo.
In EnglishAn episode from the history of English drama in the Elizabethan era. Vol. 1 and Unity: Lilly and Marleau.
Publication Date: 1872
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Episode from the History of English Drama in the Age of Elizabeth. Vol. 1 and Unity: Lilly and Marlo. St. Petersburg: Type V. Demakov, 1872. 6, II, 294, 73 p. 22.3 × 14.5 sm. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-94ff375ff8cd9e3e
SKU: bd-94ff375ff8cd9e3e