TransliterationSochineniya Usova S. A. I. Mozaika v Tserkvi Preobrazheniya. V monastyre Sv. Ekateriny. Na Sinae. II. Siriyskoe Evangelie Lavrentianskoy biblioteki. Moskva, Sinodalnaya Tipografiya. 1879 g. 30,5x25 sm
In EnglishC3
Publication Date: 1879
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Works of S. A. Usova - Articles on Archaeology: I. Mosaic in the Church of Transfiguration in the Monastery of St. Catherine on Sinai Mosaic in the Church of Transfiguration in the Monastery of St. Catherine on Sinai Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-9d780ebb0371432c
SKU: bd-9d780ebb0371432c