TransliterationPolnyy komplekt Sopikov, V. Opyt rossiyskoy bibliografii, ili Polnyy slovar sochineniy i perevodov, napechatannykh na Slavenskom i Rossiyskom yazykakh, ot nachala zavedeniya tipografii, do 1813 goda, s predisloviem, sluzhashchim vvedeniem v..
In EnglishComplete set of Sopiks, B. Experience of Russian bibliography, or Complete Dictionary of Works and Translations, printed in Slavensky and Russian, from the beginning of the printing plant until 1813, with a foreword serving as an introduction to this Science, which is entirely new in Russia, with a history of the beginnings and successes of book printing both in Europe in general and especially in Russia, with notes about ancient and new rare books and their editions, and with brief extracts thereof.