Yatsuk N.A. Voenno-polevaya maskirovka i vozdushnyy flot. Seriya: Biblioteka Vozdushnoe delo. Otdel voennoy lit-ry pri RVSR. Nauchnaya redaktsiya vozdushnogo flota. /Yatsuk N.A. Military camouflage and the air fleet. Series: Library of Aeronautics. Department of Military Intelligence under the RAR. Scientific edition of the air fleet. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationYatsuk N.A. Voenno-polevaya maskirovka i vozdushnyy flot. Seriya: Biblioteka Vozdushnoe delo. Otdel voennoy lit-ry pri RVSR. Nauchnaya redaktsiya vozdushnogo flota.

In EnglishYatsuk N.A. Military camouflage and the air fleet. Series: Library of Aeronautics. Department of Military Intelligence under the RAR. Scientific edition of the air fleet.
