TransliterationShakh-Paroniants, L. Kritik-samobytnik. Apollon Aleksandrovich Grigorev.
In EnglishShah-Paroniants, L. Identity Critic. Apollo Alexandrovich Grigoriev.
Publication Date: 1899
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Shah-Paroniants, L. Identity Critic. Apollo Alexandrovich Grigoriev. Biographical essays with a portrait. St. Petersburg: Typo-Lithography by A.E. Landau, 1899., IV, 169, IV p. 21,7 × 15 sm. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-e5513cba2faf712c
SKU: bd-e5513cba2faf712c