Orkestr Radiokomiteta. Dirizher Pokhitonov D.I. Za pervym pultom Semen Arkin i Konstantin Leybenkraft. 1941-1942 g. /The Orchestra of the Radio Committee. Conductor Pokhitonov D.I. Behind the First Remote Control, Semyon Arkin and Konstantin Leibencraft. 1941-1942. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationOrkestr Radiokomiteta. Dirizher Pokhitonov D.I. Za pervym pultom Semen Arkin i Konstantin Leybenkraft. 1941-1942 g.

In EnglishThe Orchestra of the Radio Committee. Conductor Pokhitonov D.I. Behind the First Remote Control, Semyon Arkin and Konstantin Leibencraft. 1941-1942.
