Razvitie sovetskoy aviatsionnoy nauki i tekhniki za 60 let Tsentralnyy Aero-gidrodinamicheskiy institut im. prof. N.E. Zhukovskogo; otd. nauch.-tekh. inf. M.,  1977./Development of Soviet aeronautical science and technology over 60 years at the Zhukovsky Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute; Department of Scientific and Technological Inf. M.,  1977. - landofmagazines.com

TransliterationRazvitie sovetskoy aviatsionnoy nauki i tekhniki za 60 let Tsentralnyy Aero-gidrodinamicheskiy institut im. prof. N.E. Zhukovskogo; otd. nauch.-tekh. inf. M., 1977.

In EnglishDevelopment of Soviet aeronautical science and technology over 60 years at the Zhukovsky Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute; Department of Scientific and Technological Inf. M., 1977.
