[Ljukot, Zh.R.]. Novyj Vinola ili Nachalnyya grazhdanskoj arhitektury nastavleniya, s obyasneniem pravil o pyati chinah ili ordenah onoj po predpisaniyam Iakova Barociya Vinoly/Lucotte, G.R. New Vignola Primary Civil Architecture Manual, Explanation of the rules of the five ranks or orders according to Jacob Barocco Vignola. / Transl. from French - Moscow. in Russian. - landofmagazines.com

Transliteration[Ljukot, Zh.R.]. Novyj Vinola ili Nachalnyya grazhdanskoj arhitektury nastavleniya, s obyasneniem pravil o pyati chinah ili ordenah onoj po predpisaniyam Iakova Barociya Vinoly

In EnglishLucotte, G.R. New Vignola Primary Civil Architecture Manual, Explanation of the rules of the five ranks or orders according to Jacob Barocco Vignola. / Transl. from French - Moscow. in Russian.
