TransliterationButts A. Spravochnaya knizhka dlya kupcov, shkiperov i mekhanikov. St. Petersburg. 1872
In EnglishButts A. A reference book for merchants, skippers and mechanics. St. Petersburg. 1872
Author: Butts A.
Publication Date: 1872
Publication Place: St. Petersburg
Description: In Russian. Short description: Butts, A. Handbook for Merchants, Skippers, and Mechanics, containing a collection of rules, practical tables, and other useful information for those engaged in maritime trade, for skippers of merchant ships, engineers, mechanics, and others. / Comp. by A. Butts; Translated from English and supplemented by Captain-Lieutenant M. Vakhtin. - St. Petersburg: Printing House of the Ministry of the Navy, 1872. - [2], XII, 416, [1] p., [1] table: ill. (drawings); 23.5x16 cm. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUMS000212
SKU: lom-MS000212