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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Moscow Society of Hunting named after Emperor Alexander II: Celebrating the 50th anniversary. / Comp. by the members of the society: G.A. Found, N.V. Stolyarov, F.G. Keitel, B.V. Zvorykinym. - Moscow. Art Press Keitel, 1913. - [2], 66 p., [1] front. (portrait), [36] ill.; 35x27 cm.Numerous phototypes illustrate gifts and congratulatory addresses received by the society on the occasion of the anniversary, and a portrait of the emperor is placed on the frontispiece. A lot of illustrations in the text. In the red calico-bound era. On the front cover and the counterfoil the number "L" is embossed with gold. The flyleaves are covered with gilded paper. In Russian. SKUANTT7-44