Mavr Ya. TVT ili povest o tom, kak pionery vozmutilis protiv gneta veshhej i udivili ves mir, kak oni nauchilis videt to, chego drugie ne vidyat, i kak Cybuk dobyval ochki. In Russian/ Moor I. TVT or story the volume, as pioneers vozmutilis against oppression things and udivili the world, as they learned see that, what other not see, and as Cybuk mined glasses. In Russian, n/a -

TransliterationMavr Ya. TVT ili povest o tom, kak pionery vozmutilis protiv gneta veshhej i udivili ves mir, kak oni nauchilis videt to, chego drugie ne vidyat, i kak Cybuk dobyval ochki. In Russian

In EnglishMoor I. TVT or story the volume, as pioneers vozmutilis against oppression things and udivili the world, as they learned see that, what other not see, and as Cybuk mined glasses. In Russian, n/a
