SSSR-Germaniya: dokumenty i materialy o sovetsko-germanskih otnosheniyah s aprelya 1939 g. po ijun 1941 g. V 2-h knigah. In Russian/ USSR-Germany: documents and materials the Soviet-German relations with April 1939 g. the June 1941 g. in 2-x books. In Russian, Vilnius -

TransliterationSSSR-Germaniya: dokumenty i materialy o sovetsko-germanskih otnosheniyah s aprelya 1939 g. po ijun 1941 g. V 2-h knigah. In Russian

In EnglishUSSR-Germany: documents and materials the Soviet-German relations with April 1939 g. the June 1941 g. in 2-x books. In Russian, Vilnius
